Sunday, December 2, 2007

Final Remarks and Favorite Pictures (Part 1)

A view from the Bear's Den.

I met a very nice gentleman who was on his way south to meet up with other Civil War living reenactors. When I first spotted him on the trail, there was a very long moment of me questioning my sanity and my quantum portability. Fortunately, I know I'm not crazy and I'm pretty sure I'm still in the same universe...

To some: a nice little creek. To me: a nice little watersource.

With a net gain of 0ft in elevation, the morning was spent climbing and descending well over 5,000 feet worth of hills. Stupid hills.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Final Remarks and Favorite Pictures (Part 2)

One of the less glamorous parts of hiking areas where nobody has been for a week or two: spider webs. I'm pretty sure I got caught in several hundred webs throughout the entire hike. Pretty, but also pretty hard to get out of a beard.

Creepy walking through mist... but kind of fun in a sick sorta way.

Literally and figuratively walking in the clouds at that point :-)

Welcome to Shenandoah National Park! Perfect timing, as the whole hike was designed to arrive at the peak of fall colors in the one spot so famous for it!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Final Remarks and Favorite Pictures (Part 3)

One very nice thing about the Shenandoah National Park is the excellent trail markers. Not very often do you find stone/metal markers... it signaled the beginning of my return to society.

Leaves. Lots of em.

Another gorgeous view in the SNP.

One of my last overlooks before being picked up!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today brought me 15.3 miles

Today brought me 15.3 miles down to the Rock Spring Hut where I am literally chillin out! It is cold and windy!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pass Mountain VA

Yesterday brought my third day of rain in a row as I hiked 13.4 miles and climbed 3000 feet in altitude. It as a very difficult day to say the least! Today brought me sunshine as I have been hiking 13.1 miles to the Pass Mtn. Shelter. Hopefully I can get my things dry soon! While the fall foliage is nice, I won't be able to enjoy it properly until I'm dry!

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Front Royal VA

Today was an interesting day. First, it hasn't stopped raining since yesterday, which has grown old pretty quickly. Second, I was greeted by a crazy local as I was leaving camp, who decided to walk with me for a mile or so and tell me everything about bears that I didn't want to hear. Later on the trail, I ran across an AT volunteer, Sharon, who was looking for an injured hiker, Seeker. I offered to watch out for him and got her cell number and continued my hike. Believe it or not, I found Seeker about two miles down the trail, where he had been stuck for two days, and ended up helping him carry his stuff out to the nearest road where Sharon took him to a free hiker loft where he could heal up. During the whole process, Sharon offered to shuttle me to the loft after I was done for the day and I readily accepted the offer. So I am sitting inside a house with a load of clothes in the
laundry, enjoying the sound of rain from behind a window pane!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Manassas Gap Shelter VA

I'm back on the trail! And it's raining! I did my first major hike in the rain, totalling 9.2 very wet miles. Fortunately, my new boots held up nicely and my rain gear did what it's supposed to. Despite the rain, I am still happy to be back in nature (being in a shelter helps a lot). Hopefully the next few days won't be the same!

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